Salvo D'Acquisto was born in Naples on October 7th, 1920. |
...the real
story |
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1958 |
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Two identical parliamentary bills, |
an article by Prof.Ferdinando D'Ambrosio, published many years after the
events |
History and
news often omit so many details that sometimes they distort events. Thus,
during Salvo D'Acquisto's synopsis, no-one remembered that there was a
Neapolitan gentlewoman who lived with passion the tragedy of the saint
hero: lady Gioconda Curci who, about half a century ago, in all meetings,
in every occasion, found the way of praising Salvo's heroism and, to
draw the attention of those present, compared him to Christ. Moreover, as
a tribute to the martyr, she wanted to save his family that lived in
poverty. |
To achieve
their aim, she approached deputies (members of the Italian Parliament)
of any party to urge them to introduce a bill for the granting of a
special pension to the hero's family. Using her gift of communicating
enthusiasm, she succeeded to convince two Members of Parliament: the
Christian Democrat Ferdinando D' Ambrosio and the Communist Clemente
Maglietta. |
Usually, the
parliamentary bills dealing with the same topic are combined and
discussed together, that's how the opposing deputies Maglietta and
D'Ambrosio met face to face. |
Many years later I could say, even if Maglietta perhaps doesn't agree with me, that the passage of the bill happened thanks to the hero's intercession, by now on the way of holiness. |
I think that the real leading character of that Parliamentary bill was lady Gioconda Curci, well-known in Naples for her intelligence and artistic talent, besides being the mother of the scientist Glauco Curci. And that new law is the "daughter" of noble enthusiasm. |
Atti Parlamentari |
Camera dei Deputati |
Legislatura III - Documenti - Disegni di Legge e relazioni |
d'iniziativa del Deputato D'AMBROSIO |
Presentata il 18 giugno 1958 |
Pensione straordinaria alla famiglia del defunto eroe Salvo D'Acquisto |
ONOREVOLI COLLEGHI! -Il 23 settembre 1943 venne fucilato a Palidoro in
quel di Roma dai nazisti il brigadiere dei
carabinieri Salvo D' Acquisto. Alla sua memoria è stata tributata la medaglia d 'oro. |
Nessun esempio potrebbe essere più efficace per esaltare nelle nostre
giovani generazioni ogni più elevato sentimento
di carità di Patria. II solo ricordo del gesto eroico di Salvo D'Acquisto dovrebbe fare
meditare coloro che avessero delle nostalgie
per il nazifascismo in maniera assai più efficace che non l'esempio delle condanne di
Norimberga. |
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