Alberto Curci was born in Naples, (the
chief town of region Campania, Italy), on
December 5th, 1886, and died there on June 2nd, 1973. |
The real publishing activity of the "Curci Musical House" began with the operetta "Liebesboykott" (War to love), composed by Alberto Curci on Johannes Bubendey's German libretto and performed in Hamburg at the "Neus Operetten Theater". |
On his return to Italy, Alberto devoted himself to the didactic career and he gained, owing to competitions, the violin teaching posts in Palermo and in Parma. Afterwards, Francesco Cilea, director of the "San Pietro a Majella" Conservatory of Naples, appointed him full professor of violin, without competition. Since then, Alberto spent 40 years moulding a crowd of remarkable violinists, both teachers and concert artists, including Aldo Pavanelli and Angelo Gaudino. |
In 1919, Alberto, with his
brother Alfredo and the Master Oreste de
Rubertis, set up a very noble initiative: the establishment of the "Friends
of Music" Association, which was subsidized for patronage
purposes by the "Curci Musical House".
Together with the Masters Vincenzo Romaniello and Celeste Capuana, Alberto Curci was one of the first music teachers of a Neapolitan little boy named Renato Carosone, who was already irremediably marked by his unrestrainable musical passion. |
Alberto's compositions were always closely connected to the technique of his dearest instrument, the most congenial for him, the one that he considered the highest means of artistic expression: the violin. |
His works for violin and orchestra are the clear proof of it: the three "Concertos" ( including the "Concerto Romantico", Romantic Concerto, and the "Suite Italiana in stile antico", Italian Suite in ancient style) and his teaching works, still largely used. For example, the "Tecnica Fondamentale del violino", Violin Basic Technique, in 6 volumes. |
Alberto's versatile, tireless and passionate activity was rewarded by the highest honours, as the election for two three-year-periods to member of the Superior Council of the Fine Arts, the appointment to Santa Cecilia's Academician, the awarding of a gold medal of the Ministry of the State Education for cultural and educational merits. |
The establishment of the "FONDAZIONE CURCI" (Curci Foundation) in 1966, whose inaugural evening was ended by a concert of the "Quartetto Italiano", was the most unforgettable and singular act of a life entirely devoted to music. |
Alberto was
80 years old by then and he could have rested at last, proud and
satisfied with the goals he had reached with his tenacious work,
besides enjoying his fortune. |
He started to gradually carry out the various aims of his Foundation: prize competitions for symphonic and chamber music composers, prize contexts for instrumental performances, beginning with violin, institution of encouragement prizes for young music students, series of concerts of instrumental and vocal chamber music. |
The most ambitious part of the Curci Foundation plan concerned the instrumental performance competitions. In the autumn of 1967, the first biennal INTERNATIONAL VIOLIN COMPETITION took place and immediately aroused great worldwide interest, promoting a lot of talents in the following editions too. |
After many
unlucky events that led to long years of silence of the Foundation,
besides its change of seat, the International Violin Competition revived
in November 2002, when the
twelfth edition took place successfully, presieded by
Gioacchino Lanza Tomasi. The members of the jury were Michele Abbado, Marco
Fornaciari, Angelo Gaudino, Michael Frishenschlager, Sergej Krylov,
Aiman Mussakhogiayeva, Eugene Sarbu. For informations: www.fondazionecurci.it |
2002 - XII° edition of the International Violin Competition "Alberto Curci" |
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